Folk & Square Dance Federation of Washington

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Leadership Seminar

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Non-Profit IRS Rules:

Tax Procedures for Square Dance Organizations - Version 1.4, May, 2018; By: Kay Mahan, Financial Advisor Washington State Square and Folk Dance Federation.
Directions for filing Forms 1099 for callers and cuers - May 2018; By: Pete Murray, Financial Advisor Washington State Square and Folk Dance Federation. .

Current Financial Advisor:
Doug Schafer
1202 S Tyler St.
Tacoma, WA 98405-1134

Frequently Asked Financial Questions:
For Financial Advisor clarifications to frequently asked questions - click here.

Membership and Insurance

Regular Membership: This is open to all currently paid up members of a square, round, clogging, contra and other groups and organizations associated with the Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington (Club, Council, Federation).
Individual Membership: Achieved by belonging to a State Federated club or organization and paying individual dues to the State Federation. Whenever new members are taken into the club or organization, the information on the new members is to be sent to the Federation Membership/Insurance Chair within 10 days, along with the new members Federation dues.
New Club Memberships: A club that is qualified under Article 1.E and Article IV.A of the State Federation By-Laws, and that has been accepted for membership in an Area Council, may apply for membership in the State Federation. A new club must complete and submit an "Application for New Club Membership or Renewal Form" which can be obtained on this site or from the Membership/Insurance Chair for the State Federation.

Current Membership & Insurance Chair:
Brooks Bennett & JoAnn Pyle
21110 46th Ave SE
Bothell, WA 98021-7930


Club and Council Membership New Club & Renewal Form

Instructions. From the office of the Membership and Insurance Chairperson

• The FORM is for the renewal of a Club or Council in the Washington State Federation. Individual Federation Membership and Insurance is handled separately.

• This FORM is the basis for all the information that the State Federation and Councils need to have to function. This is the FORM that the Council and State Corresponding Secretaries use to create their respective Directories.

• The FORM is to be completed and returned (THREE COPIES) along with the Club - Federation and Council Dues to the Council Treasurer. Each club is to keep one signed copy of the FORM for their record. Each council is then responsible to see that these completed forms are returned to the State Federation.
Councils set their own deadline for the return of the RENEWAL FORMS assuring that all are submitted to the State Federation no later then May 31st.

Club Membership and Renewal Checks are to be made payable to their respective Council ...

NOTE: If you have trouble filling out the above form in your browser, download the form to your computer.
You can then fill it out on your computer, print it and send it in.

General Liability Insurance Certificate Request Form

Instructions. From the office of the Membership and Insurance Chairperson

• This FORM is requests the issuance of a General Liability Insurance Certificate as required for a Federated Association or Club activity.

• This FORM is to be completed and returned to the Membership and Insurance Chairperson six (6) weeks prior to the activity or event, along with a letter from the Organization requiring the Certificate stating their requirements. If "additional Insured" or other special wording is required, be sure that information in include in the letter.

Membership & Insurance Incident Report

Click here to access the Incident Report Form

Certificate of Liability Insurance
This Certificate of Liability Insurance is provided herein as a matter of proof of liability insurance only for the Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. Current clubs, members, and organizations must contact the Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington Membership & Insurance Chair for Certificates of Liability for specific events or to file a claim under this policy.

Click here for a generic copy of current Certificate of Liability

M & I Frequently Asked Questions

For membership and insurance clarifications to frequently asked questions ... click here

Federation Grants

Grant and Financial Assistance Guidelines
Program Terminated and the Committee Dismissed.

©2000-2018 Square & Folk Dance Federation of Washington State